Etching Process and Precautions

Etching is the technique of removing material using chemical reaction or physical impact. Etching techniques can be categorized into wet etching and dry etching. It can be done by exposure After exposure to light plate making and developing, the protective film in the area to be etched is removed and contacted with a chemical solution during etching to achieve the effect of dissolution and corrosion, forming a concave-convex or hollow molding effect. The effect of etching is to dissolve and corrode, forming a concave or hollow molding effect. It was first used to make copper plate, zinc plate and other printing embossed plate, and also widely used in Weight Reduction (Weight Reduction) instrument panels, nameplates and thin workpieces that are difficult to process by traditional processing methods. Difficult to process the processing of thin workpieces, etc.; after continuous improvement and process equipment development, can also be used in aviation, machinery, chemical industry, electronic thin parts precision etching products processing, especially in the semiconductor industry. Processing of products, especially in the semiconductor process, etching is an indispensable technology. Etching PCB

1. Incoming inspection when receiving customers need to process the workpiece, first we have to go through the inspection, that is, we are currently IQC process to do the work, to receive the customer’s processing Workpiece wipe clean, and then carefully inspect the incoming material in the presence of defective products out to ensure that the product is put into a good product.

2. Electrostatic dust removal, spraying of photographic oil, checking when the incoming workpiece after IQC inspection qualified, it will be handed over to the next process: spraying of photographic oil, but in the spraying of photographic oil before you must be Electrostatic dust removal, because the product in the production process and we wipe the test process, to varying degrees, there will be static electricity, and static electricity can be sucked to pay the dust, so it must go through the Electrostatic dust removal, to remove the static dust will not pay in the product above, after the completion of the static electricity in addition to the next step of the work: spray photographic oil, spray feel the role of the photographic oil is mainly For the next process photographic (burst light) to get ready, before and after the product are sprayed with photographic oil, after the completion of the work of spraying oil, the product must be carefully examined, the purpose of the inspection is to Products in the oil spraying process there is no oil sprayed, there is no residue of oil and other undesirable phenomena, when the product check OK will flow into the next process: sensitization (bursting).

3. Photographic, developing photographic (burst) is placed on the film has been sprayed on top of the photographic oil products, the main purpose is to make the film through the burst of light on the pattern on the product formation The main purpose is to make the pattern on the film through the burst of light to form on the product, photographic (burst) process should pay special attention to the fixture must be placed well, the film can not be skewed, otherwise the product pattern will be skewed phenomenon, resulting in defective products, and film Lin should also be checked regularly, can not appear folding phenomenon, otherwise there will also be defective products. Photoreceptor (burst of light) is completed after the next step: development; the purpose of development is to Through the development of potion will not burst the light of the place flushed away, after bursting the light of the place of curing, the formation of etching patterns, after the development of quality inspectors to check the product, the development of less than the After the development of the quality inspector to check the product, the development of the place or the pattern of bad products to pick out, good products into the next process: oil sealing.

4. Oil sealing. the so-called oil sealing is the product in the oil spraying process, the location of the edge of the product, the spray can not be oil place for artificial oil, oil filling process of the metal parts of the product can not be There is a phenomenon of exposure, otherwise after etching will produce defective products, oil filling is completed and then dry the product, after the completion of the drying of the product to check, check OK before you can Put into the next process: etching.

5. Cleaning etching is the key process of the entire production process, mainly through the chemical solution will be the product through the chemical action of the product after the explosion of light developed after the exposure of the stainless steel Parts of the corrosion, so as to form the pattern we want, etching work is completed on the product cleaning, cleaning off excess paint, and then through the slow pulling machine and other cleaning After the etching work is completed, the products are cleaned, the excess paint is cleaned off, and then the cleaning process is completed by the slow-drawing machine.

6. Shipment inspection After the etching and cleaning process is completed, the product is the product we want, but also FQC final inspection, the production process of defective products removed out After the finished product can be handed over to the warehouse arrangements for shipping.

Etching need to pay attention to:
-Reduce side etching and protruding edge, improve etching coefficient.
-Improve the consistency of etching rate from board to board.
-Improve etch rate uniformity across the board surface.
-Improve the ability to safely handle and etch thin copper foils and thin laminates
-Reduced contamination problems provide one stop service,contact us to inquire your PCB questions – Etching PCB

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