Rogers 5880 PCB glass microfiber rein-forced PTFE composites are designed for exact-ing stripline and microstrio circuit applications.Glass reinforcing microfibers are randomly orient-ed to maximize benefits of fiber reinforcement inthe directions most valuable to circuit producersand in the final circuit application.The dielectric constant of Rogers 5880 PCB laminates is uniform from panel fo paneland is constant over a wide frequency range. lt’s low dissipation factor extends the usefulness of Rogers 5880 PCB to Ku-band and above Rogers 5880 PCB laminates are easilycut, sheared and machined fo shape. They areresistant to all solvents and reagents, hot or cold.Normally used in etching printed circuits or inplating edges and holes. Normally supplied as a laminate with electrode-posited copper of ¼ to 2 ounces/ft.² (8 to 70umlon both sides, Rogers 5880 PCB composites can also be clad with rolled copper foil formore critical electrical applications. Claddingwith aluminum, copper or brass plate may alsobe specified. When ordering Rogers 5880 PCB laminates, it is important to specify dielectric thick-ness, tolerance, rolled or electrodeposited copper foil, and weight of copper foil required.
- Lowest electrical loss for reinforced PTFEmaterial.
- Low moisture albsorption.
- lsotropic.
- Uniform electrical properties overfrequency.
- Excellent chemical resistance.
Some Typical Applications
- Commercial Airline Telephones.
- Microstrip and Stripline Circuits.
- Millimeter Wave Applications.
- Military Radar Systems.
- Missile Guidance Systems.
- Point to Point Digital Radio Antennas.
If you wanna get more information about Rogers 5880 PCB , click the email buttom. If you are looking for a manufacturer for your PCB, you are welcome to contact OPCBA.COM. We have a professional technical team to solve your problems in the field of PCB.