The production of PCB usually requires UL certification, so what is UL?

What is UL?
Underwriters Laboratories (UL), founded in the United States about 120 years ago, is an independent facility for testing the safety of new products and technologies. Today, it has websites all over the world and focuses on product safety. It tests products, certifies manufacturers, and produces and updates safety standards for a wide range of industrial and commercial sectors. (UL certification mark of the company: )

For PCB, the main standard is UL 796, specific PCB standard, and UL 94, which is used for flammability test of all plastics. These specify many performance tests to measure the long-term reliability and fire safety of PCBs. If the circuit board meets these standards, it is marked with UL logo, manufacturer logo and circuit board type.

When is the UL mark used?
As long as safety, especially flammability, is a key issue, UL marking is required. For European OEMs, the boards of any equipment entering the United States usually need it. This requirement can be set by OEM or end customer.

What does the UL mark mean?
The base material meets the flammability level specified in UL94. For FR4, the required level is UL94 V0. This means that when the vertical sample of the material is introduced into the test flame and then removed, it will self-extinguish within 10 seconds. It will not drip burning particles.

Our UL certification E332411 can be found on the UL website. (UL inquiry website: )

The UL mark is free.
For more information about which circuit boards provide UL certification marks, you can contact us by phone or email to obtain relevant information

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